Apply to Futures Forge

Applying to Summer Skills for Success Course


For the summer Skills for Success Course, Futures Forge invites students to apply if they have scored at least 1150 on their PSAT, 1250 on their SAT, 80th percentile (total) on their SSAT, or 27 on their ACT. Equivalent tests of cognitive ability will be accepted. Those yet to take such a test will be invited to take the Ravens Progressive Matrices (RPM) to qualify.

UK students are invited to apply if they have at least a combined score of 63 across GCSE grades or 7+ holistically.

Students will need to be aged 15-19 on the first day of the Course, and have fluency in the English language.

Questions? Erik answers them in the video below:

Pre-Applying to the Foundational Leadership Course

Futures Forge welcomes high school graduates and rising high school seniors to apply if they have scored at least 1300 on their PSAT, 1350 on their SAT, 90th percentile (total) on their SSAT, or 30 on their ACT. Equivalent tests of cognitive ability will be accepted. Those yet to take such a test will be invited to take the Ravens Progressive Matrices (RPM) to qualify.

UK students: Futures Forge invites A level graduates and current Sixth Form/College Students to apply if they have earned/predicted an A+ within their subjects holistically. Equivalent tests will be accepted.

We also welcome UK University graduates with a 2:1 and above to apply.

Foundational Leadership Course students will need to be aged 18-23 on September 1 2024, hold a valid Passport at that time, and have fluency in the English language.